Arif @ArifRocks

Age 47, Male

Leeds, West Yorkshire. UK

Joined on 12/10/07

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11,560 / 12,090
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7.42 votes
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Congrats. :)

It was amazing.

woot! someone posted from england!!!

anaksha is truly an amazing work of art, and a follow up would be perfect, you are a legend for creating anaksha!

Glad you are happy it was an amazing game. If you make a new game like this can you pleese do two things i would greatly apreciate it. One make a saveable game or but in a level code option. Two if you kill the target do a small cinimatic scean of the bullet hitting the target. Again i will say amazing game and congratulations.

You're gonna be a legend on newgrounds beacause of this awesome game and I can almost be sure that Anaksha is gonna be one of newgrounds classis.
Congrats, you've one of the most awesome sinpin' games out there :D

Congratulations, dood. Hope for a sequel soon.

You know, I for one did not went apeshit over this game, I think it was just okay, I mean the art was nice and I surprised myself screaming BOOM HEADSHOT all over the place. But the problem was the story. Now what do you want to do when you play a game ? Play. There was too much story in my opinion and it was kinda lame if you ask me. You only kill some evil sociopathic wife beaters... Also the reference to the simpsons and LOL COUNTER STRIKE GIRLZ TEAM made me facepalm a little.

The story was also weak in the way that everything flows so easily to the final goal, it dosen't seem to be logic. Everyone loves the Virgo killer, the thing is some interviewed people should have hated her, they can't be unanimous. Also when you kill that last guy, everything is fine, everyone goes: FUCK YES VIRGO KILLER IS AWESOME ALL THE TRUTH IS FINALLY REVEALED AND THE WORLD IS A BETTER PLACE. Even the police "luvvs" the virgo killer. This is wrong, the police should still be hunting for her, because from the point of view of the law, what she is doing is still murder. Also for that last scene... "strippers does not work like this" if you see what I mean.

Dude, relax! Its just a work of fiction! :)


That was quite possibly the best game I've ever played, the story was beautiful and cinematic, and just added completely to the game. I don't really know what to say except I really do love this game.

You have to make anotheer game, maybe not a sequel unless you want to, but another game...

Keep up the great work I added you as a favorite.

Dude one of the best games i have played in a long time i really enoy games like this but most of them had flaws this is PERFECT! hope sequel comes.

Loved it! just wonderin if ur thinkin about makin another flash??? I think that u would make some great flashes if u continued! Just a suggestion for the next game... keep it mainly the same but make a little free roam! I think that if u kept the same sort of concept and just added some free roam it would turn out to be as popular if not more than Anaksha! Keep up the good work hope to see some of ur great work soon!

So, are there plans for a sequel? seems you could easily make Anaksha go to another corrupted town to help clean it up. Anyways, cool charecter and awsome game

Oh yes Arif, I know, I just wanted to share my opinion on how to make it better.

The game is stolen in minijuegos.com .Is in spanish, but i just searched "Anaksha" and there it was... :( (Is only called Anaksha, no Female Assassin) And it says in the description that you were hired, not because of revenge.

People don't seem to care much about what you said. It's kinda sad that they still steal it and put it on their website.

<a href="http://www.gamefudge.com/Anaksha-Female-Assassin">http://www.gamefudge.com/Anaksha-Fema le-Assassin</a>
<a href="http://www.java-gaming.com/game/2833/Anaksha_Female_Assassin/">http://www.java-gaming.com/game/2833/
<a href="http://www.funny-games.biz/anaksha-female-assassin.html">http://www.funny-games.biz/anaksha-fe male-assassin.html</a>
<a href="http://www.flasharcade.com/shooting-games/anaksha-female-assassin-game.html">http://www.flasharcade.com/shooting-g ames/anaksha-female-assassin-game.htm l</a>
<a href="http://www.somethingreallyfunny.com/anaksha-female-assassin.htm">http://www.somethingreallyfunny.com/a naksha-female-assassin.htm</a>

And I didn't even add all the first page results from Google here.
What are you going to do about this? :/

Ah dammit! I've got more emails to send! :(
I already mailed some of them last week but got no response.


I love your game and for some reason it reminded me of the death wish series, 1&2(kill these rapist)3(for slaying drug dealers), 4(you have to kill a mob boss) and that the character is a vigilante whom is liked by the public after slaying some sleazy crooks, but hunted by the cops. and if you don't mind i have a thought about a game like this but rather different, PM me if you like to hear it.

We didn't do anything, that game was kick ass on its own!